Always nice to get out of the ground our next …
Always nice to get out of the ground our next project underway

For over 2 years this hemp block has been sitting …
For over 2 years this hemp block has been sitting on a white ant ( termite) mound and completely untouched just using Australian grown hemp and AHMC binder another reason why we should all be building out of hempcrete 👍💪#sustainability #ecovillage #ecofriendly #sustainablefashion #earthbuilders #earth #termites #ecobuilding #hemp #hempcrete #hempcretebuilder #hemphomes #hemplife #hempprocessimg#hempmasonary

Hempcrete fire 🔥 proof absolutely after 6 hrs …
Hempcrete fire 🔥 proof absolutely after 6 hrs in extreme heat I dug throughout hot coals to find hempcrete block a bit charred but still intact and trust me the heat from the fire was very intense it just doesn’t burn another reason that hempcrete is the way of the future in building 💪👍

More to come yet😳🤭
More to come yet😳🤭

Our next part of the hemp Processing plant arrived …
Our next part of the hemp Processing plant arrived 1 more truck to go and we are putting together something so amazing for our hemp industry challenging ,scary, but extremely exciting to be building something so special thank you to local leeuwin transport for all your support for us on driving to the other side of the country twice already ,amazing effort and glad to be working with you on the future for all transportation, and what ever else we come up with along this journey 👍🙏🙏🙏🙏 #sustainability #hemphomes #hempbuilding #hempprocessing #hempocator #hemppodcast #ecovillage #ecobuilding #ecofriendly #ecommercebusiness #sustainability #sustainablefashion #sustainableliving #ecofriendly

Our next project you will be amazed how we turn a …
Our next project you will be amazed how we turn a termite Eaten house with asbestos to something quiet special we will keep you posted on this project well done to Jarrod snd Kyle doing a great job 👍under the challenges 💪

Hemp renovation yes we can ,from old to new
Hemp renovation yes we can ,from old to new

You don’t need to hang pictures on the wall when …
You don’t need to hang pictures on the wall when you can just look outside natural building materials goes well with nature sometimes we just frame it to see what we have!!!

Come and see for yourself …
Come and see for yourself
You may owe to yourself and thank yourself you came along

Our next project an hemp addition to existing …
Our next project an hemp addition to existing house worked out beautifully

Excited one of the semi trailers on the road with …
Excited one of the semi trailers on the road with only part of our processing plant. Adding to our already decorating machines Our new company Decorco pty ltd is the processing Facility working with Leewin transport will provide all transportation for our facility as it will be built in there Depo , we will reduce all carbon foot print by a one stop shop process of pick up ,process and delivery in the one stop ....I’m exited ...doing it and getting on with the massive job ahead

Want to see how a hempcrete house works well here …
Want to see how a hempcrete house works well here you go 2 thermometers 1 inside .1 outside 6am. 6 degrees outside 16 degrees inside without heating !!!! Reduce your heating bills between 50% to 80% and carbon emissions you can experience this yourself to feel its real @sativa.sanctuary hemp holiday rental you can now try before you buy...I would

Well here’s the colour …Dare to be …
Well here’s the colour ...Dare to be different...well we are are we will give anything a go .well done to adzee and the boys on giving it a crack... different from the cement materials than they are used to but see the value in sustainability and going back to lime based materials with no paint required...more to comeas it dries #hemphurd #sustainability #rockcoteartisans #hempcrete #ecofibre #ecofriendly #ecommerce #ecofriendlyliving #naturalbuilding #artisanhome #hempbuilding #hempliving #naturalbuilding #margaretriverbuilder #ecofriendly

Which colour will be he clients choose?? We offer …
Which colour will be he clients choose?? We offer different colour scheme for our clients with all natural oxides added to tint the natural limes on natural building materials ...no toxin in or outside of your homes....its natural....
The rain kept falling, and the walls kept on going up
Hemp Homes Australia
Reg - 100439
Phone - 0409 576 458
Email - info@hemphomesaustralia.net.au